XXVI International Fair PETROL STATION 2019 is already behind us!
On 15-17 May, the 26th edition of the largest event organised by the Polish Chamber of Liquid Fuels was held. The Trade Fair partner was EHRLE.
The Trade Fair was opened by Halina Pupacz, President of the Polish Chamber of Liquid Fuels, emphasising the role of this event for the national economy in her speech. She expressed hope that, as every year, it will become an inspiration for and contribution to effective business initiatives, not just in the oil industry but the entire retail sector. The ribbon was ceremonially cut – as a symbol of opening the Trade Fair – among others by: Marek Matuszewski, Member of Polish Parliament; Łukasz Hołubowski, President of ORLEN Paliwa; Maciej Dobieszewski, acting President of GUM, and Andrzej Ziółkowski, President of UDT, who, together with other VIPs, were the first guests to visit stalls in the hall and outside the EXPO XXI Warsaw Exhibition Centre at ul. Prądzyńskiego 12/14.
It is worth noting that our Trade Fair has been attracting a growing number of visitors from the east. Most of all, from the former Soviet bloc countries: Belarus, Ukraine, the Baltic states, but also the Arabian Peninsula, India, Pakistan (and this country plays a very important role in the logistics of the Arabian oil, with its largest oil refinery in the world) and the whole of Asia, including China and Japan. Due to the directions of the world biofuel trade, we are also within the circle of interest for entrepreneurs from Indochina, Australia, Africa. American and European brands are traditionally exhibited at our Trade Fair, presenting the latest solutions, as e.g. Petronova’s presentation of a multimedia xSeries liquid fuel measuring system by the Portuguese manufacturer Petrotec, which will be put into production no earlier than in 2 years’ time.
From the very beginning, i.e. for 26 years, the Trade Fair PETROL STATION has been gathering in Warsaw manufacturers and suppliers from many countries of the world and from different continents, such as CGH, Dover Fueling Solutions (OPW), GIA, Gilbarco, GOK, Hectronic, Karcher or Tokheim (TGS), drawing on the potential of our economy to which our stations provide energy to conduct business. Companies from the east more and more often make dynamic presentations, such as e.g.: E100 – fleet management, DPR – LED lighting, MoniTank or Technotrade – control systems. New industries continue coming on board, represented by domestic exhibitors and international brands: GP Battery are batteries for mobile accessories; Portwest – workwear, LPG Group – the name speaks for itself. The presentation is made easier by the ENTREPRENEUR’S ACADEMY where exhibitors can present themselves in the form of workshops, in a live relationship with potential Customers, as well as duty experts – representatives of such offices as GUM or UDT, thanks to which we get regular updates about the legislation.
The presentation of exhibitors should be started from two champions of Polish economy. PKN Orlen supplemented its extensive range of B2B offers for franchise stations with a catering and shop offer. Questions answered included enquiries about wholesale fuel deliveries or rules of cooperation under the BAQ Fuels programme. The Płock company attaches considerable importance to the agricultural sector – recently, together with the National Agriculture Support Centre, it announced a comprehensive offer for the agricultural sector: fuels, lubricants, oils, fertilisers. It is also known for CRS, including sports sponsoring – which meant that visitors to its stall were welcomed by the face of Roberta Kubica. The company also sponsored the film about Ignacy Łukasiewicz which promotes Poland globally, consolidating the knowledge about the role of the “first oilman” for our civilization.
The Lotos Group was visited this year at our Trade Fair by the Minister of Digitisation Marek Zagórski, which was connected to investments which the Gdańsk company, prospecting for hydrocarbons in the Baltic Sea basin, made in the area of digital security, necessary for the infrastructure critical for Polish economy. You could also talk about cybersecurity, pipelines and oil delivery directions at the PERN stall. The subject of cybersecurity in the oil industry covers many varied areas. It is worthwhile reminding you here about online cash registers obligatory for petrol stations, as the first entities in the retail industry – this topic could be discussed among other things with Elzab or Posnet. When talking about franchise stores, you cannot disregard the Carrefour stall with the offer for independent stations.
Today, everyone has their own catering and store concept supported by other segments of their activity, SCR, digital marketing, influencers. At Circle K, having Simply Great Coffee, you could take photos with Tomasz Kuchar and Karolina Pilarczyk – Queen of Europe in Drift, and get to know the Motul lubricants; at BP, besides Castrol, we had catering by Makłowicz who developed special sandwich recipes and selected wines for Wild Bean Café, which brought about a 700-percent increase in sales!
It is also worth remembering, however, that own ideas for catering and stores develop as independent chains, such as MOYA or AVIA. The current trend is health food, which is met by the offer of the following firms: BioPlanet, DeSoto, Malczyk, Merkury, Soligrano or Tłocznia Maurera. The Subway stand neighboured on Stalgast or Wiesheu catering equipment. Nice atmosphere for consumption was provided by Vigor Multimedia with its “Music without ZAiKS”. And if we are talking about petrol station catering, let’s remember about the packaging – for the recycling of which e.g. the English Glasdon and Leafield are necessary. When you stock up you store with accessories/gadgets/gifts, it’s worth having a look at the offer of the Clipper lighters or mobile accessories by American Fifo which want to compete in the petrol station supply area with AV Dystrybucja, DLG, Lipro, Generacja M or Meteor.
Besides B2B for stations, the eyes (and noses!) of the visitors were drawn to modern coffee machines. Coffee was also served in the METHANE ZONE. In this specially zoned off area of our Trade Fair you could find out about everything that is required to sell methane fuels: CNG/LNG, whereas the special attraction was the MotoAmbulans motorcycle and first aid training sessions. Talking about the fuel transport, the leader among the fuel tanker manufacturer should be mentioned, Stokota, that is currently celebrating its jubilee. You could also talk about cryogenic tankers.
The contemporary transport cannot operate without AdBlue. For Polish champions, of which the AZOTY Group is definitely one, this product is of strategic importance. Equipment for logistics, storage and distribution of this solution was presented by: Adast, Jass (both awarded in the PRODUCT OF THE YEAR competition – in which the jury is composed of industry practitioners), Kingspan or Swimer. There could be no shortage of devices and services strictly related to the petrol station infrastructure. For this offer, a number of firms: Petroconsulting, Petroster, Petroster-Serwis (marka 2AK), ZET, received awards in the PRODUCT OF THE YEAR competition. CGH specialises in fuel tanks, and Corrimex has been exhibiting the infrastructure and carwash offer for many years (the Christ brand).
A number of carwash products were also awarded in the PRODUCT OF THE YEAR competition: A.M.G., CID LINES (Biotek), Ehrle, Euro-Ekol, WashTec. The possibility of increasing the carwash capacity was offered by British Superoperator, and various payments – among others by Control System, Nayax, Novaster. Hectronic was one of the companies offering refuelling machines. The Trade Fair could not do without such world brands as Karcher, but also domestic ones, such as Aniger or Sultof.
A number of Carwash companies appear in our CARWASH TOWN. Last year it was for example Italian Kimicar which has become a permanent feature. This year, e.g. Casino Wash or EasyWash. It is worth remembering RES for carwash outlets, e.g. photovoltaic solutions (Columbus Energy) and electric vehicle chargers (EV), but also workshops operating at petrol stations – the equipment for these was offered by Unimetal.
The “Polish Fuel Market” Discussion Forum which accompanies the Trade Fair PETROL STATION, started awarding the highest distinctions offered by the Chamber – GOLDEN OCTANES. The discussion revolved among other things around effects of restriction of malpractice in the oil industry, new fuels, as well as legislative solutions that are compulsory for our sector. These problems were also touched upon during the Meeting of the PKN Orlen Franchise Station Section at PIPP. At the festiva Gala of the 26th International Trade Fair Petrol Station 2019, in turn, winners of the 7th edition of the GOLDEN STATION competition – rewarding the best standards of independent stations – were announced.
For Trade Fair Exhibitors, the synergy of a number of media remaining under the control of the Polish Chamber of Liquid Fuels is important – “Liquid Fuels” monthly, paliwa.pl portal, strictly targeted industry newsletters and social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Tweeter or YouTube), which support the informational activity of traditional media. We would like to invite you next year, but today you can view the full photo report at paliwa.pl!
Thank you for your cooperation this year!
Please, you can see photo release from previous edition 2019 below!
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